Book Club with Dr. Kari

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Upcoming Book: From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want  by Rob Hopkins 

Start Date: February 8, 2024 - 7pm - Virtual

We will meet virtually every other Thursday at 7pm Pacific (PDT).

Book Club is a free group (leave a tip if you want) where we read books to assist in our collective unwinding journey from kyriarchy (white supremacy, settler colonialism, capitalism, cis- het- patriachy etc.). We meet every other week and have a discussion virtually on the chapter(s) read. You will be provided a virtual link and some guidelines for the space. There will not be any outlines, teachings, or questions beyond “What did you think of the chapters?”

I do ask you make a commitment to coming to book club, as we are also building relationships with each other in addition to sharing ideas. There will be no recordings provided.

The email you sign up with is where links will be sent.

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Reading Schedule:

2/8/24 - Meet the group, Discuss Introduction

2/22/24 - Discuss Chapters 1. What if we took play seriously? And 2. What if we considered imagination vital to our health?

3/7/24 - Discuss Chapters 3. What if we followed nature's lead? And 4. What if we fought back to reclaim our attention?

3/21/24 - Discuss Chapters 5. What if school nurtured young imaginations? 6. What if we became better storytellers?

4/4/24 - Discuss Chapters 7. What if we started asking better questions? 8. What if our leaders prioritized cultivation of imagination? 

4/18/24 - Discuss Chapters 9. What if all this came to pass? And Afterword. Discuss closing thoughts.